Stop Smoking

If you are reading this page, chances are you are ready to stop smoking or you know someone who is. Chances also are, you have already tried different methods only to find out they do not work. So why not try Hypnotherapy this time?

How effective is Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation?

Did you know that several clinical studies name hypnotherapy as the most effective method to stop smoking for life? It is more effective than cold turkey, nicotine patches or nicotine gum. In fact hypnotherapy is so effective that the British Government pays for Hypnosis sessions for Smoking Cessasion. I’ll say it again, Hypnotherapy if the most effective way to become a non smoker.

By tapping into the power of your mind through Hypnotherapy, you will by pass side effects like nervousness, anxiety and insomnia during the process. If you see cigarettes as a friend, giving up smoking can be daunting and frightening. The good news is that we address this directly. Quite literally you change the way you think and feel about smoking. Becoming an ex-smoker becomes effortless and natural.

You know cigarette smoking is dangerous for your health. But allow me to remind you that cigarettes contain more than 4,500 chemicals including carbon monoxide, DDT, formaldehyde, methane, and tar. That’s more than 4,500 chemicals that find their way into your lungs and body with every drag. And are you aware that nicotine is a pesticide? So, if you’re feeling more ready than ever before to end this harmful habit once and for all, and regain control over your health and your life, please read on!

A Short and Effective Program for Smoking Cessation

Hypnotherapy is the most effective approach to overcome the smoking addiction. We understand smoking is not only about the physical addiction to nicotine and chemicals, it also has an emotional aspect. Just like with all our services the program is tailored to your own individual needs and model of the world. We use a personalized approach in our program, that maximizes results.

The 2 session program is structured as follows:
The first session is used to assist you cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke as well as feeling comfortable with the idea of becoming free and in control. Your mind and body have time to adjust and welcome the change with minimal discomfort and absolutely no withdrawal symptoms. The second session is used to completely eliminate any thoughts or feelings that my link you to the smoking habit. Strong positive suggestions are placed while in the hypnotic state so you can comfortably let go and welcome change. Positive visualization is used to help you speed up the process of cleaning up your lungs and body. Last but not least, we work on confidence in yourself and your abilities to create positive change in your life.

Here is more information to help you take the next step. Scientific Research

If you’re ready to stop smoking call today- 613-800-8558