Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hypnotherapy for Cancer Patients

If you are a Cancer Patient Living in the Ottawa Region, or your know of someone living with cancer who could benefit from finding a peaceful space during this part of the journey, I invite you to register for my 4 Week Comprehensive Program at the Canadian Cancer Foundation.

This Program runs for 4 weeks, every Thursday from 9:30- 11:30.

Registration is Free of Charge.

For More information Call 613 800 8558 or visit

Meeting your Spiritual Guides

We all have beacons of light along the way. That’s exactly what spiritual guides do for us. They shed light on the path ahead so we may see more clearly. They also provide counsel, guidance and unconditional love.
This workshop is more than an introduction. You will learn about and practice establishing a more clear connection with your spiritual guides or angels. Open more effective channels of communication. Open up to a better guiding system in your life.
When: Saturday August 3rd
What time: 1:00 –3:15
Where: Gilmour St Ottawa
Fee: 75.00

For more information or registration contact Karinna Najera at 613-800-8558 or

4 Ways to Boost your Confidence

Healthy Confidence requires regular doses of “ confidence boosters”. Making the most of our mind the mind – body connection, I suggest the following exercises to my clients.
Tony Robbins practices an interesting mind-body exercise to get himself on the right track before doing a presentation. As crazy as it sounds, it works.
#1 Shake out your body, clench your hands like claws, and rock back and forth, breathing in and out quickly.
#2 Stop moving, then shake out your body again.
#3Now clap, shout the word “Yes!” five times.

Strike a Pose

NLP or Neuro Linguistics Programming Practitioners emphasize the importance of a straight posture to re-calibrate the mental state. In other words, if you’re feeling a bit down in energy and not too good about yourself, take a deep breath, straighten up yourself and hold your head high, looking towards the line where the wall and the ceiling meet.
Hold that pose for 1 minute while remembering the last time you had a good laugh and breath. Your state of mind will change.

Deep breathing

Practicing Deep breathing exercises through the day help promote mindfulness and self-acceptance. 5 “big belly breaths” 3 times a day will create a noticeable difference.

Break a sweat

The more endorphins in your body, the better your mood. Science has already proved that exercise enhances your mood—but did you know that a 20-minute workout can sharpen your state of mind for up to 12 hours?

Remember, the mind-body connection is real. Use it to your advantage. Practice this 4 techniques or pick one and practice it every day. You will love the results!

Karinna Najera

Hypnosis for Cancer Patients in Ottawa

Cancer Patients/Suvivors living in the Ottawa area are welcome to attent Free of Charge Hypnosis sessions at the Maplesoft Center (Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation)

The next Hypnosis Program for Cancer Patients begins on November 1st, 2012

For more information contact Karinna Najera at 613-800-8558 or contact the Cancer Foundatio at 1-855-247-3527

Happiness and You

The latest Neuroscientific Research shows a very interesting connection between Happiness and Gama Brain Waves.

How and why is this important to you?

I’ll invite you to read the article on the following link. 🙂

About fear…

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Medical Hypnosis in the Wall Street Journal

For centuries Hypnosis has been the subject of fascination and intrigue. Now the Wall Stree Journal publishes interesting and factual information about the uses of Medical Hypnosis. Scientific evidence is mounting that hypnosis can be effective in a variety of medical situations, from easing migraine headaches to lowering blood pressure, controlling asthma attacks, minimizing hot flashes and diminishing side effects from chemotherapy.

Read all about it by following this link…